Your Ke­tubah


Among the me­dieval Jews, a ke­tubah was a fine­ly craft­ed doc­u­ment and art, cre­at­ed by hand, just for the cou­ple get­ting married.

But this art was large­ly for­got­ten, and al­most lost, in our mod­ern era. Al­most all mod­ern ke­tubot are just print­ed copies of a ke­tubah that hun­dreds of oth­er peo­ple have had be­fore you.

But not a Be­spoke Ketubah.

A Be­spoke Ke­tubah is a cus­tom, com­mis­sioned ke­tubah, cre­at­ed from noth­ing — from the ground up — to be per­fect for you two. Every drop of ink, from the art to the word­ing, is cre­at­ed unique­ly for you two, to be the most per­fect ke­tubah and work of art that you and your besh­ert can dis­play proud­ly for the rest of your lives.

While we will work close­ly with your rab­bi to per­fect the text, the mag­ic comes in our per­fec­tion of the art. You imag­ine what you want on your per­fect ke­tubah — and we will cre­at­ed it. From a por­trait to a land­scape, from clas­si­cal to mod­ern, we will make it happen.

Our team of artists is wide with a di­verse set of styles. But what unites all of us to­geth­er is our dream of cre­at­ing a unique, cus­tom be­spoke ke­tubah for every cou­ple out there that wants one.