Birds of Par­adise II Ketubah

Created byTinak

Curl­ing arabesques, gold­en arch, and roy­al crim­son in­laid in amethyst pur­ple com­ple­ment the dap­pled or­ange-bronze fo­liage of the tree un­der which a pair of pea­cocks nes­tle. In East­ern tra­di­tions, the pea­cock is the guardian of roy­al­ty and al­so an em­blem of nur­tur­ing, mag­nan­i­mous, and im­mor­tal love. 

The Birds of Par­adise (II) is per­fect for the ro­man­tic cou­ple with re­fined tastes and a firm con­vic­tion that grace and in­tegri­ty are fun­da­men­tal to a good re­la­tion­ship. Blend­ing Art Nou­veau styles with Per­sian mo­tifs, this ke­tubah demon­strates you don’t need to be gaudy to show your true colors.

Artist Rec­om­men­da­tion: This Ke­tubah looks par­tic­u­lar­ly stun­ning on wood!

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