Once Up­on a Dream — Pink

Created byTinak

In the mid­dle of a ball­room, the lovers dance; her flow­ing locks and gown twirl in­to a dreamy blur as they match each oth­er step for step. Spell­bound, they gaze in­to each oth­er’s eyes; noth­ing else mat­ters. In­spired by “Sleep­ing Beau­ty”, this ke­tubah cap­tures the mag­ic of a fairy­tale romance–true love and un­wa­ver­ing de­vo­tion, come what may.

Once Up­on a Dream (Pink) is per­fect for the ro­man­tic cou­ple that feel like they’ve al­ways known each oth­er. You swayed to the rhythm of your own song, till you met a stranger singing a fa­mil­iar tune. Waltz away to your Hap­pi­ly Ever Af­ter with your prince or princess in your arms; drag­ons don’t stand a chance.

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