The Blue No. 18 Ketubah

Created byTinak

Mark Rothko’s work is too sim­ple, too modern–and too stun­ning. A Russ­ian Jew in an era when the Russ­ian Jews lived in fear, Rothko fled Rus­sia to the USA and de­vel­oped his ul­tra-mod­ern and hip “mul­ti­form” style – that gave him his dis­tinc­tive and orig­i­nal look and feel.

The Blue No. 18 Ke­tubah is a great Ke­tubah for a cou­ple that loves each oth­er, wants in­spi­ra­tion from a Jew­ish artist — and who, of course, loves the hip­ster, paint­ed style that Rothko pi­o­neered. This Ke­tubah looks es­pe­cial­ly great in mod­ernist apartments!

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