The Bright Kiss Ketubah

Created byTinak

The Bright Kiss Ke­tubah bursts with joy—and we wouldn’t have it any oth­er way! Com­bin­ing bold, bright col­ors with a clas­sic de­pic­tion of the Jew­ish Bride and Groom, the in­tri­ca­cy of the de­sign adds a whim­si­cal feel to the most ex­cit­ing day of the year. From the warmth of the couple’s em­brace to the beau­ti­ful ros­es fram­ing the de­sign, we couldn’t wait to share the beau­ty of this Ketubah!

Don’t quite see your­self in the Bright Kiss Ke­tubah? Team Ke­tubah can cus­tomize it for you! From the couple’s hair col­or to the LOVE pan­els in the back­ground, our Collective’s artists can cre­ate an in­cred­i­bly per­son­al­ized Ke­tubah for you and your fiancé(e). Let’s Get Started!

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