The By The Lake Ketubah

Created byTinak

Wa­ter has been as­so­ci­at­ed with Ju­daism since time im­memo­r­i­al; even the word He­brew, in He­brew (“Ivrit”) comes from the an­cient word mean­ing… riv­er. (The Jews were lit­er­al­ly, the peo­ple who lived by the riv­er!). Wa­ter sym­bol­izes life and health and clean­li­ness in Ju­daism, since the flood era filled the earth with wa­ter to clean out the world.

The By The Lake Ke­tubah is per­fect for the cou­ple who not on­ly loves the sym­bol­ism of the wa­ter, but for the cou­ple who flow in and out, up and down to­geth­er. The cou­ple who does­n’t mind a splash or get­ting wet — whether it is for fun or to clean your­self af­ter hav­ing done the hard work of build­ing a life to­geth­er. The cou­ple who wants to build a bridge over the wa­ter to­wards a great fu­ture, together.

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