The Earth, Wind & Us Ketubah

Created byTinak

The Earth, Wind & Us Ke­tubah sets a heart­warm­ing stage by show­ing a cou­ple hold­ing hands. It shows the moon and the sun in per­fect har­mo­ny with each oth­er, re­flect­ing peace and seren­i­ty on this Earth ‑Just as the kind of peace and seren­i­ty that this mar­riage will bring in­to your life. The moun­tains and the run­ning riv­er in the back­ground further
builds up­on the ex­quis­ite­ness of this Ke­tubah. It al­so shows that the bond of mar­riage is beau­ti­ful and breath­tak­ing just like Earth’s un­matched beauty.
This Ke­tubah is made for the cou­ple that en­joys splen­dor and beau­ty in their re­la­tion­ship. A cou­ple that ad­mires nature’s beau­ty and would love to en­joy the earth in all its mag­nif­i­cence. By spend­ing sun­sets and sun­ris­es to­geth­er, they know that their mar­riage will be­come stronger and hap­pi­er each day. They un­der­stand each oth­er per­fect­ly and sup­port each oth­er just as the sun and the moon light up the Earth. This Ke­tubah is for the cou­ple that is per­fect­ly in sync with each oth­er and would hap­pi­ly spend their lives ad­mir­ing nature! 

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