The Gold­en Ham­sa Ketubah

Created byTinak

The Gold­en Ham­sa Ke­tubah glows in warmth, seren­i­ty, and love — just as any Ke­tubah should! From the fram­ing of the wil­low tree and run­ning riv­er to the sun­set just be­hind the beau­ti­ful ham­sa, this Ke­tubah ex­ag­ger­ates col­or and or­gan­ic im­ages in a dream­like way. The fire red and gold­en shades light up the de­signs and pat­terns of this al­ready stun­ning­ly ab­stract landscape.

The large ham­sa in the cen­ter not on­ly cre­ates a beau­ti­ful place­ment for the Ke­tubah text, but al­so rep­re­sents the pro­tec­tion and seren­i­ty found with­in your unique re­la­tion­ship and the im­por­tant spir­i­tu­al com­mit­ment to one an­oth­er. The Gold­en Ham­sa is per­fect for the cou­ple that draws strength from each oth­er and the tra­di­tions that make up our heritage.

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