The Mag­i­cal View Ketubah

Created byTinak

The Mag­i­cal View Ke­tubah show­cas­es vi­brant fire­works to mark the start of some­thing beau­ti­ful – a bliss­ful mar­riage. Fire­works rep­re­sent joy and hap­pi­ness and no cel­e­bra­tion is com­plete with­out this beau­ti­ful dance of col­ors. In this paint­ing the bright blue rep­re­sents the beau­ti­ful serene sky and the fire­works seem to bring life, il­lu­mi­nat­ing the sky as burn­ing streaks of light. The Ke­tubah text can be writ­ten at the bot­tom in white so that it beau­ti­ful­ly stands out from the rest of the love­ly picture. 

This Ke­tubah is for the cou­ple that loves each oth­er end­less­ly and wants to live life to the fullest. The cou­ple that wants to be to­geth­er to en­joy the beau­ti­ful hap­pi­ness of their mar­riage and to greet each day as a cel­e­bra­tion of their union. A mod­ern day Ke­tubah that rep­re­sents an ex­plo­sion of love and hap­pi­ness through al­lur­ing fire­works is the per­fect way for new­ly­wed cou­ples to start their life­long journey. 

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