The Pa­per Cranes III ketubah

Created byTinak

1,000 Pa­per cranes grant­i­ng you a wish is an en­dur­ing sym­bol from an­cient Japan­ese leg­ends — but a sym­bol that is still pow­er­ful to­day for a wed­ding: the pas­sion­ate fo­cus and at­ten­tion you need to cre­ate 1,000 pa­per cranes is the same fo­cus and at­ten­tion you need to put to­wards your mar­riage to make it work — grant­i­ng the wish of hap­pi­ness for the couple!

This ke­tubah is per­fect for the cou­ple who val­ues not on­ly sim­plic­i­ty and min­i­mal­ism, but who are al­ways fly­ing to the next des­ti­na­tion. The dan­gling pa­per cranes rep­re­sent the en­dur­ing love and peace that will stay con­stant with the cou­ple, as time moves on.

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