The Qui­et Blues Ketubah

Created byTinak

There’s some­thing es­pe­cial­ly unique about ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the beau­ty of na­ture with the love of your life. This work of art is part of our gor­geous Land­scape Mem­o­ry Ke­tubot Se­ries. With blend­ing col­ors and soft hues, this Ke­tubah is a snap­shot in­to a spe­cial mem­o­ry you share, wether it’s a fa­vorite trip you took to­geth­er, your hon­ey­moon, or the place where you both go to just watch the sun­set. It couldn’t prove that age old adage to be more true — hap­pi­ness is on­ly re­al when shared.

The Qui­et Blues Ke­tubah shows beau­ti­ful tones blend­ing to­geth­er to cre­ate al­most a dreamy es­thet­ic. The soft flow and move­ment of this de­sign lights up the text with­out tak­ing away from the beau­ty of the art­work it­self. This Ke­tubah ex­hibits a sea line with dark blue and green tones and bril­liant white clouds, per­fect for the cou­ple that wants a palette of deep, rich tones. This work of art will be com­plete­ly sig­nif­i­cant to you and your part­ner — a beau­ti­ful mem­o­ry that holds both your ex­pe­ri­ences and love.

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