The Qui­et Lilies Ketubah

Created byTinak

Sit back and re­lax while you and your part­ner are swept up by the tran­quil­i­ty and beau­ty of our Qui­et Lilies Ke­tubah. The al­lur­ing blend of blues, greens and light pur­ple cre­ates the clas­sic scene of a pic­turesque af­ter­noon at the park. In­flu­enced, of course, by Monet’s Wa­ter Lilies, this Ke­tubah in­spires noth­ing but the ut­most sen­ti­ment of love, com­mit­ment and unity.

This Ke­tubah is a re­flec­tion of the cou­ple that en­joys the calm seren­i­ty of na­ture and bask­ing in the warmth of one another’s love, like swans, calm­ly float­ing along life’s path. As you both go through var­i­ous sea­sons of your life to­geth­er, let Qui­et Lilies take you back to that peace­ful and sim­ple place.

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