The Rain­bow Stripes Ketubah

Created byTinak

The Rain­bow Stripes Ke­tubah is pow­er­ful on var­i­ous lev­els. On the most sur­face lev­el, the Ke­tubah is that which its name sug­ges­tions: it is stripes on a rain­bow! And it is thus per­fect­ly for lovers of these two char­ac­ter­is­tics, stripes and rain­bows — and all the var­i­ous lev­els of mean­ing that those two represent.

But the Rain­bow Stripes Ke­tubah is al­so pow­er­ful on a more sub­tle lev­el: the mix of col­ors are bright and bold but work in syn­chronic­i­ty to stand out in­di­vid­ual — yet merge to­geth­er. And there­fore, it is the per­fect Ke­tubah for the cou­ple that sees it­self as two in­di­vid­u­als that stand out, but com­bine to form an even more per­fect union.

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