The Sweet Hive Mo­sa­ic Ketubah

Created byTinak

In the Jew­ish Tra­di­tion, sweet fla­vors have al­ways been a sign of good luck and abun­dance. The New Year wouldn’t be com­plete with­out the de­li­cious fla­vors of ap­ples and Hon­ey, whose warm col­ors have be­come sym­bol­ic of well-wish­es for whats to come. Ke­tubah wish­es the same for the new­ly­wed cou­ple, as a sign of pros­per­i­ty and in­ter­de­pen­dence of their new home to­geth­er, with a neat mod­ern twist.

The Sweet Hive Mo­sa­ic Ke­tubah cap­tures these feel­ings with bold yel­lows and mel­low or­anges, and an in­tri­cate de­sign of tiny tiles cre­at­ing the de­li­cious im­age of a hon­ey­comb. Look­ing for a Ke­tubah that will match your wed­ding col­ors? Ask Team Ke­tubah about cre­at­ing the Sweet Hive Mo­sa­ic Ke­tubah us­ing your col­or palette!

Notes: The pro­por­tion of this Ke­tubah is dif­fer­ent from oth­ers on our site. The Medi­um or Clas­sic ke­tubah size, for this one, is 12×24 (in­stead of the usu­al 16×24); and the Large size for this ke­tubah is 15×30 (in­stead of 20×30).

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