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Au­tumn Kremnitz

RoleQueen of Cheese

Half-Amer­i­can, Half-Ar­gen­tine, Au­tumn Krem­i­nitz is an­oth­er fel­low, na­tive New York­er. Grow­ing up in a mul­ti-cul­tur­al home Au­tumn grew to love a weird blend of things, like eat­ing Matzah — but with Ar­gen­tine Dulce de Leche on top. When she’s not geek­ing out about the his­to­ry of art styles and artists (Rothko is by far her fa­vorite!), she’s brain­storm­ing with the lead artist about fun, new Ke­tubah ideas. Of all the dif­fer­ent hats Au­tumn wears in the Tinak of­fice, her fa­vorite, and most well de­served of course, is her fa­mous ti­tle as the “Queen of Cheese”.