team membar

Yael Ma­gen­heim

RoleThe Artistic Director

Yael Ma­gen­heim, an Ar­gen­tine artist, has been de­sign­ing Ke­tubot for fun since her first child­hood friend got mar­ried. When not fig­ur­ing out how to cre­ate the most fun Ke­tubah ever, she spends her time draw­ing, her first child­hood pas­sion that she still ob­sess­es over to­day. Yael’s first love is Klimt, who has in­flu­enced and changed her life both ar­tis­ti­cal­ly and emo­tion­al­ly. Al­though she stum­bled in­to the Ke­tubah world ac­ci­den­tal­ly, she spends her days and nights dream­ing up new, bet­ter, more fun Ketubot.